Heritage Commission

The mandate of the Commission is to advise to Council on a range of community heritage matters, including:
- Reviewing and making recommendations to Council on the content and maintenance of the Community Heritage Register, including related Statements of Significance as drafted by staff or consultants;
- Reviewing staff reports and related heritage documentation regarding proposed heritage designations, Heritage Revitalization Agreements, or other forms of preservation that may be registered against title to real property, for input and advice to Council;
- Reviewing existing and proposed District plans, strategies or other regulatory initiatives for input and advice to Council pertaining to heritage conservation, including any planning initiatives related to Heritage Conservation Areas and the Oak Bay Heritage Plan;
- Reviewing and making recommendations to Council on select development applications, including:
- Development applications within Heritage Conservation Areas (“HCA”), to support compliance with the HCA guidelines in the Official Community Plan; and,
- Development applications, including Heritage Alteration Permit applications, relative to review of the heritage-related aspects of the proposed redevelopments.
- any other heritage matter referred by Council.
Terms of Refererence and Related Documents:
- Heritage Commission Establishment Bylaw No. 4770, 2020
- Oak Bay Heritage Strategic Plan
- Heritage Commission Manual
Annual Work Plan
The Heritage Commission is authorized in Bylaw 4770 to undertake projects that are in addition to the Advisory Body’s core duties and are in support of their respective mandate. Each Annual Work Plan requires approval from Council prior to implementation. Each proposed initiative is evaluated within the context of the current Corporate Plan and Council’s strategic priorities, as well as operational and budgetary implications, organizational capacity and available staff resources.
Heritage Commission
- Councillor Lesley Watson, Liaison
- Councillor Carrie Smart, Alternate Liaison
- Christie Horsman
- Bronwyn Taylor
- Patricia Wilson
- Eva Eaton
- Pamela Madoff
- Sharman Minus
- Vacant
- Kyle McStravick, Planner, Staff Liaison
There are currently no posted meeting minutes or agendas for this committee.
Meetings and Agendas are posted on the District’s CivicWeb Portal at https://oakbay.civicweb.net/Portal/.