David and Mary (Ferriss) Rogers Home at 1069 Beach Drive ca. 1913. David Rogers was President of Rogers and Co. Ltd. a real estate firm, as well as president of The Uplands Ltd. The Roger's substantial home was situated to make the most of the view, with large windows, terraces and balconies facing the ocean. A large stone garage and stone wall with imposing gates define the perimeter of the property. This series of Archival photos which document the construction of the Rogers home, were taken by builder Peter McKechnie.
David and Mary (Ferriss) Rogers Home at 1069 Beach Drive ca. 1913. David Rogers was President of Rogers and Co. Ltd. a real estate firm, as well as president of The Uplands Ltd. The Roger's substantial home was situated to make the most of the view, with large windows, terraces and balconies facing the ocean. A large stone garage and stone wall with imposing gates define the perimeter of the property. This series of Archival photos which document the construction of the Rogers home, were taken by builder Peter McKechnie.