Media Release - Mayor's Task Force on Public Engagement Seeks Input from Oak Bay Residents

District of Oak Bay
News Release
June 1, 2018
Mayor's Task Force on Punlic Engagement Seeks Input from Oak Bay Residents
VICTORIA, BC - Municipal services and decisions affect the daily lives of residents and business owners. Whether it be the investment in roads and parks, land-use decisions, or taxation and budgeting, many of the decisions made today will also impact the lives of future generations living in Oak Bay. It’s important local government decisions are informed by the people they affect.
From late April through May, the Mayor’s Task Force on Public Engagement “popped-up” at various locations around Oak Bay hearing from hundreds of residents about which topics are of greatest interest to them and how they like to receive information and provide input to the District. In addition, an online survey collected input from close to 200 Oak Bay residents.
In mid-July, the input collected and draft recommendations will be presented for public review and comment. The experience of other communities is also being considered.
Recommendations will be presented to Council in the coming months outlining priorities for public engagement and a toolkit for staff and Council to guide future engagement efforts to encourage greater public participation in District decision-making.
For media enquiries, please call:
Councillor Tina Ney, Chair of the Mayor's Task Force on Public Engagement