Volunteer Appointment Opportunities

Submission period closes May 12, 2017 4:00 PM
Oak Bay Municipal Council is accepting expressions of interest from residents who wish to volunteer their time as members of the following Council appointed bodies, for which upcoming vacancies are anticipated.
The District of Oak Bay is seeking to fill a vacancy on the APC for the remainder of a two year term expiring December 2018, for a general membership position (including representation under 35 years of age).
The APC makes recommendations to Council on matters respecting land use, community planning, and proposed amendments and initiatives related to the Official Community Plan (OCP) and Zoning Bylaw. The Commission brings a broad community perspective to initiatives that promote a sustainable community by linking land use, transportation, environment, climate change, economy, heritage, and social and cultural considerations, all of which represent the community vision.
More information on the APC is available on the Commission page here.
Allan Cassidy Recognition of Renovation & Building Achievement Awards
There are currently two vacancies for membership on the ADP, both for the remainder of a two year term expiring December 2018, exclusively with respect to evaluating the Allan Cassidy Recognition of Renovation & Building Achievement Awards. These awards are presented by Oak Bay Council to property owners in appreciation and recognition of notable new buildings or renovations in the District of Oak Bay.
For these membership vacancies, Council in particular welcomes expressions of interest from Oak Bay residents and from members of the arts community. The terms of reference for the Panel are available here.
Please complete an application form, available electronically here or in hard copy from the Corporate Services counter at the Municipal Hall. You may also include a cover letter and/or a resume to provide additional information.
Completed application packages may be submitted to the undersigned by email or in hard copy to the following address:
Attention: Maura Jones, Deputy Director of Corporate Services
District of Oak Bay
2167 Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC V8R 1G2
Telephone: 250-598-3311 ext. 7415
The submission period closes at 4:00 PM on Friday, May 12, 2017.
Thank you for your interest.