News Release - Appointment

Oak Bay Fire Department
1703 Monterey Avenue, Oak Bay B.C. V8R 5V6 (250) 592-9121
Email: Fax: (250) 598-2749
News Release
Date: April 25, 2016 OBFD file # 2016-13
For Immediate Release:
Appointment of
Assistant Chief Gord Marshall
The Oak Bay Fire Department is proud to announce the appointment of Lieutenant Gordon Marshall to the position of Assistant Chief effective May 1, 2016. Lieutenant Gord Marshall began his career with the Oak Bay Fire Department as a Firefighter Probationer on April 1, 1992 under the direction of then Fire Chief Bob Randall. He was promoted to Lieutenant in 2003. As a Lieutenant Gord was involved in developing the Auto extrication program for the department and has held positions as first responder instructor and development and maintenance of Operational Guidelines. Over the course of his career he has been involved with the Muscular Dystrophy Drive, Santa’s Anonymous, and Alzheimer’s walk, Softball coach for Beacon Hill and Oak Bay Little leagues as well as contributing many hours of his time fundraising for the community through the Firefighter Association’s charitable pursuits.
Prior to joining the Oak Bay Fire Department, Gord was Fire Security at the Royal Jubilee Hospital. Gord is an avid collector car restorer. His mechanical knowledge has been of great assistance with the maintenance of the Fire Department’s vehicles and equipment.
Gord has also had significant involvement in the planning, development and training of the Capital Regional District’s Emergency Hazmat Response Team. There he held the positions of Platoon Leader and Instructor.
Gord is proud to continue to serve the Community in his new position of Assistant Fire Chief.
With the promotion of Lieutenant Gord Marshall to Assistant Chief vacancies were created in the department, as such senior Fire Fighter Duane Adsett will be promoted to Lieutenant effective May 1 2016.
The Fire Department has also hired a probationer Fire Fighter from our list. Trent Frenkel will begin his career with the department effective May 1, 2016. Trent comes to the department with several years’ experience as a wild land fire fighter and Volunteer.
We congratulate the members with their promotions and welcome Probationer Fire Fighter Trent Frenkel to the department.
Fire Chief
Dave G. Cockle