Weekly Media Release - Fire Department

Oak Bay Fire Department
1703 Monterey Avenue, Oak Bay B.C. V8R 5V6 (250) 592-9121
Email: obfire@oakbay.ca Fax: (250) 598-2749
News Release
Date: March 7, 2016 OBFD file # 2016-08
For Immediate Release:
Weekly Media Release for the period of Monday, February 29, 2016 to Sunday, March 6, 2016. Over the past week, Oak Bay Fire Department members responded to 21 calls for assistance.
These calls for assistance included:
11 – Medical Aid
3 – Residential / Commercial Alarm Bells
5 – Public Assistance
1 - Motor Vehicle Incident
1 - Marine Rescue
Whether your project is big or small, in a city/town or in the most remote regions of BC, you should always call before you dig. No dig project is too small or location too remote. Safety is our number one concern.
Make that first important call before you dig!
As a homeowner, you may be digging to put in a new fence post, using a hand auger to bore a hole for the foundations of a new deck or planting a bush or small tree. If you are disturbing the ground you run the risk of cutting into an underground service with potential for loss of life, personal injury, and damage to property, or disruption of a service.
Also as a homeowner you are probably asking yourself "is my project big enough to make it necessary to call?" The answer is: If you are disturbing the soil for any reason, regardless of the depth, play it safe, make the call. Gas and power, water and sewer and communications lines, all of which service most residential properties, may be buried close to the surface.
If you are hiring a contractor for your project ask him if he has made the call. If he has, get him to show you the information returned to him from our members. If he hasn’t called, stop the work and get him to make the call. Remember, you may be liable for any personal injury or property damage that my result from work in your backyard or on your site.
Know How and Where to Dig - DIG SAFE!!
LET'S GET STARTEDIt's simple. To get started all you need do is pick up the phone and dial 1 800 474-6886 no less than three working days before you want to dig. You will reach a helpful and knowledgeable BC One Call operator who will ask you questions about your dig project.
Give us the details of you project. You will be asked to provide contact information, such as your name and telephone numbers where you can be reached during regular business hours, and you will be asked to identify the exact location of your planned excavation. You will also be asked:
How deep will you be digging? When do you plan to begin work? Are you digging on public or private property, or both? Where on the property will you be digging?
The best way to answer the questions is to fill out the Excavation Site Information form before making the call. This way you will get all your ducks in a row, ready for the call. Then, when you make the call you can refer to your completed form for the information the operator will require. You can get the Excavation Site Information Form by downloading it here or by calling BC One Call and requesting that it be faxed to you.
BC One Call provides a 24/7 365 days a year service to the British Columbia excavating community. We are ready to talk to you regardless of when you place that all important call - night or day! Call 1 800 474-6886 or 604 257-1940.
There are no charges or costs to you for anything associated with this process.
Emergency locate requests
If your type of work is repair or replacement of essential services, environmental contamination, clean up of oil or hazardous waste spills or a safety concern and you have an emergency crew on site or en-route contact BC One Call to place an emergency locate request. Our members will respond ASAP.
Do not fax or use the BC One Call web (E-Ticket) to place an emergency locate.